You deserve more from your film than most labs can deliver.
If you're sending your film negatives to a lab to be scanned, I've got some bad news. They're making all the tough, creative decisions based on their personal taste, experiences, and interest in your negatives. What does this mean for you? There is NO WAY the images you're getting back are exactly how you'd scan them if you were in the driver's seat. They may even be just.plain.BAD.
Don't believe me? Here are some examples of lab scans vs ones I digital camera scanned for myself.
I'll let you guess which is which.
.... but Left is for Lab....
It doesn't just make perfectly lit, client portraits look better. It makes your indisposable moments of your family taken with disposable cameras better. And cheaper. Which means you'll take more of them. Which will turn out better and.... on and on and on.
So let's teach you how to take control of your film and save a ton of money in the process!
I've made a course that teaches you how to easily get started scanning your film negatives at home with modern, affordable equipment so that you'll be able to take full control of your images too.
Who is the digital camera film scanning course for?
- Anyone who is already into film photography and wants more color control or wants to scan family negatives
- Who has Lightroom Classic and knows the basics of how to use it
- And has a digital camera they can set to take RAW images in Aperture Priority Mode
Beginners welcome!
What will you learn?
- What digital camera scanning is
- Necessary tools and equipment
- How to set up your equipment
- How to begin scanning your film at home
- How to convert your negatives to positives on your computer
What's included:
Interactive eBook
The eBook has everything you need to know to get started and working through the process, including many short videos. This is delivered before the beginning of the Zoom Workshop so you can read up and come with questions if you want.
Access to a live Zoom Workshop
We'll have a live, 2.5-3 hour, Zoom workshop where I'll go through my own set up and walk you through the process. We'll convert some negatives in real-time together using the conversion software and open the floor for dialogue.
Your Negatives Digital Camera Scanned
Before the Zoom Workshop, you'll be asked to send me 1-2 strips of film negatives you'd like to practice digital camera scanning with prior to investing in gear. If you choose to participate, I'll scan the negatives and send you the raw images.
Practice Negatives
I'll provide a folder of my negatives for you to practice converting along with my suggestions for conversion panel adjustments. Some will be easier and some will be more challenging to help you get familiar with the process and prepare you for the variety in your own negatives.
Access to a private FB group
This is a safe & supportive group of film nerds that will help throughout your journey. I'll be an active member and chime in when there are questions or tough negatives to convert. Once a week for 3 months, I'll post a video of me converting a film negative and editing the tiff in real time.
Gotta question? Shoot me a quick message! I don't bite.
It may sound impossible, but I don't outsource any of my scanning now that I know how to digital camera scan, and I am positive I can teach you too!
Can it really replace sending my film to a lab to be scanned?
Yes. 100% yes.
How much will I have to spend on additional gear?
I give suggestions for gear at various price points in the eBook and am a firm believer in trying to make what you've already got work. Most professional photographers will already own most of the equipment needed. The other big necessities are things like film holders, a macro lens, and a way to hold your camera steady. These can range anywhere from $20 for DIY options to $500 professional versions.
Is this course for digital or film photographers?
This course is for anyone who owns a digital camera and has film negatives they'd like to convert to positive images without sending them off (and paying $15 a roll) to a film lab. Those can be avid film shooters, hobbyists, or even just people with a stack of family negatives they'd like to make more readily accessible.
Will you also teach me how to develop my film?
No. There are so many great resources online that will walk you through that process. I do, however, have a blog post on black & white film development with links to all the products I use. For color, I just use Cinestill's liquid concentrate C-41 chemicals and a foot bath to regulate the temperatures. I also have a lot of stories posted on my Instagram on my process. If you have other questions on film dev-- don't hesitate to ask!